I'm Madison, a concept driven creative currently based in Sydney.

Having grown up surrounded by the arts, I am someone that has always had a curious mind. Exploring, experimenting and designing are a huge part of who I am and they're some of the many reasons I love working in the creative industry. 
Over the last few years, I have developed skills in a range of disciplines including graphic design, digital design, photography and marketing. My passions lie in visual communications, content design, typography, layout and branding.
I currently work as a Graphic Designer at an award winning landscape architecture firm. In my spare time, I do freelance work and enjoy taking photos of food and landscapes, having recently gotten into film photography. In 2020, I graduated with a double degree in Commerce/Design (HONS) at UNSW, where I majored in marketing and minored in graphic and spatial design.
If you would like to get in touch, please reach out via my socials!